Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pictures of us.

About a week ago we spent four fun hours with Stan and Jeannette, our wedding photographers. They took us all over Old Poway and Ramona shooting our engagement pictures — a preview of which are available for viewing on the Trailbrook blog!

The pictures are brilliant and inventive, and really capture us (though it is a bit hard to look at so many images of ourselves without feeling a little self-conscious). Stan and Jeannette made the experience a blast and proved true our original impression of them — that they are excellent photographers and two people we'd enjoy spending the week with during the wedding. They are creative and obviously love what they do. We can't wait to meet up with them later this week to check out the rest of the pictures from the session — especially since they said they never post the best pictures on their blog, saving those for the couple. It's hard to imagine this is true based on the quality of the images that are already available.

Over beers at Cheers in Ramona at the close of our shoot, we encouraged Stan and Jeannette to make a vacation out of their work up north and join us for some of the outings we have planned. We hope they take us up on the offer, and we can't wait for you all to meet them up north.

So, check out the pictures! Let us know what you think. And let Stan and Jeannette know: They love feedback from family and friends on their blog, too.

22 days!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn those pictures are really good, and they actually do seem to capture you guys pretty well. I didn't think they would be that good... the wedding pictures should be awesome, too. I'll hold off on the string of excited swear words I want to use and just say that I am ready for this wedding.