Monday, May 26, 2008

The last 30 days.

Here we go.

The countdown is on, and there is much to be done, and much that has been done. As June 25 approaches, we are busy but excited — more so when we hear how excited everyone else is, particularly those of you who have never been to this part of California. Sharing this setting with all of you sold us on this location.

We have firmed up and finalized the itinerary for the week, so visit the web site and see what we have planned. There's a printer-friendly version of the calendar you can download. Also consider checking out some of the links on the destination and itinerary pages to plan some adventures of your own. We hope that you come along with us for our activities, but we also hope that you experience the redwoods on your own terms. This is your vacation, too. Note that times have changed for some of our scheduled events.

Otherwise, keep an eye on this blog and watch for e-mail updates from us during the next 30 days. And get damn excited.



Paul Reams said...

Amy and I are damn excited. Can't believe that we're at 30 days already!

Unknown said...

I would be damn excited, but I can't make it to the wedding because I will be in Washington, D.C. lobbying to get the Florida and Michigan delegates seated as is at the DNC. Hillary (aka the champion of the people, aka the underdog) and I will not stand by while Obama tries to disenfranchise the voters.

Unknown said...

Actually, Sarah and I both are skipping the wedding and heading to Florida and Michigan to rally the disenfranchised to rise up against the injustice that has been perpetrated against them by themselves. We won't sit by, either, and let the TRUE Dem nominee be kept secret by a biased media cover up that continues to report that Hillary is behind in every conceivable measure by which a victor is determined. Counting is sexist, as we all know, because men are better at math. Sarah and I are hoping that Hillary will marry us as we campaign by her side (sorry Paul, we just support Hillary THAT much).

Unknown said...

Damn it all of you! I read the blog and thought, oh I'll go post that I already am damn excited. You guys all suck and I am no longer damn excited!

celtickat said...

'Damn excited' is a relative term. I prefer 'Supremely proud' or 'Remarkably pleased' to describe my position. Then again, the oft-used Southern California term 'Completely blown away' takes care of it too.

Unknown said...

Mom said,
I have already asked Hillary to join in the wedding as Best woman standing next to Jason.She has agreed even though she feels that she wasn't Jason's first choice.Chris has agreed to step down he only wants whats best for his brother,And of course that is Hillary all the way baby.While in the forest she will be planting her very own Redwood given to her by Jason of course, The plaque will read "The General Hillary Tree"And Damn I can't wait for the wedding either.I love Sarah she has brought sunshine into our lives and a light into our sons eyes never seen before except when he is looking at Hillary.See you all soon, Yea!MOM

Unknown said...

Hahaha, Mom is crazy.