Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Invitation limitations.

While we are absolutely thrilled about the destination for our wedding, we did have to consider it carefully because of the limitations it will place on who can attend. The destination we have chosen is an important part of making our wedding … perfectly us. We both have extensive families and many personal friends and friends of the family. This makes for a big list of important people. However, since we are having the ceremony in a National Park, we are subject to the rules and regulations that govern the park’s issuing of permits, one of which is a 50 person cap at our ceremony site. The site itself places a similar restriction. It is the intersection of three trails at the base of a stand of redwoods, and there is no way we could responsibly fit more than 50 people at that location. Because of this, we had to significantly reduce our guest list. For those we are able to invite, we have had to exclude children under the age of 18, and, for the most part, any guests for our single attendees.

Why not get married somewhere more accommodating, you ask?
Honestly, after making several trips to Redwood National Park and spending time there last June hiking and selecting a location — we can’t imagine getting hitched anywhere else. It’s just exactly what we want.

Because of our strong desire to celebrate with as many people as possible, shortly after our wedding up north we will host a barbecue in San Diego to share pictures from the ceremony and extend the celebration to those who we wish we could invite, but cannot.

We appreciate everyone’s support.

Sarah & Jason

PS: We encourage anyone with questions or concerns to contact us at junetwentyfifth@gmail.com.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well I guess this means Paul can't bring the Sierra Club members with him : ( Dang it! They were so looking forward to cutting down trees too. . .