Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Expiration of a web site.

Tomorrow our wedding web site expires.

Thanks for viewing it thousands of times (or maybe that was us), and making it a valuable part of our whole wedding experience. We enjoyed constructing it and maintaining it.

As it signs off, the wedding countdown simply reads "MARRIED", the honeymoon clock displays 161 days, 7 hours, 2 minutes, and 14 seconds — and the mix of reggae and soca that makes up the soundtrack for the site still sounds good. The bio's and the references to "Sturm" are now a bit behind the times.

Browse through the links one more time if you like.


PS: Looking back, perhaps a more accurate web address would have been www.june25or26.org.


Unknown said...

Well if we want to get technical maybe it should have been www.june25ohwaitthepersongivingoutmarriagelicencesisastupidbitchso26instead.org

Hahaha! Bye Bye wedding website. . .

Unknown said...

it got cut off!


Unknown said...

hahaha, true.