Sunday, May 25, 2008

What's a wedding ceremony docent?

Over Mexican food/beer last night we enlisted our good friends Jessica and Charles to help us keep an eye on people as they arrive for the wedding ceremony to make sure no one wanders off down the wrong trail or aimlessly through the ferns and giant trees. While there are no lions, tigers, or bears to worry about, we are trying to fit 50 or so people on a narrow trail in a manner that allows everyone to experience the ceremony without trampling nature.

Basically, they're an extra two people who can listen for questions and reassure people as they arrive for the wedding — and as people head out after. Sounds kind of like an usher, but since there are no seats or bride's/groom's side at the ceremony, they are more informational than tactical. Jessica suggested "ceremony docent," based on her experience working for Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the Birch Aquarium — an erudite, yet fitting title.

We're happy to have them no matter what they're called.



Unknown said...

Erudite... what am I, studying for the GRE?

Jessica Crawford said...

Wow, the people in that pix are HOT!