Monday, March 31, 2008

Goodbye March.

Well, it's not March anymore.

As with most mid-semesters, our work and classes have overtaken us for the past month, leaving little time for wedding planning — though we did manage to achieve some much-needed goals. In addition to work and school, we both celebrated birthdays in March and I left the country for 12 days and visited my brother in Korea (more on that in a subsequent post).

The big accomplishments wedding-wise for March included finding a DJ and finalizing the menu for the reception — you will eat well. The DJ was a major remaining concern for us because we had been striking out with our original ideas. However, when we went to Sarah's friend Stephanie's wedding in February, we made friends with her excellent DJ, and he has agreed to head north in June and take care of the music for us. We are stoked to be able to hire someone we have heard play for a whole night and who we know will be good. He also plays in a band, and he used to play with Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. He's very chill, very cool.

You should have received two e-mails from us this evening, one concerning the cabins for those of you who expressed interest in staying in the cabins and for whom we had room, and a second concerning the entree choices for the reception. For the cabin people, please review the information in that e-mail and respond with questions/concerns immediately, otherwise by May 18 as noted. For everyone, please make your entree selections by April 30 and let us know so we can let the caterer know what to expect.

If you didn't receive these e-mails, let us know that, too.

Hope everyone is well.


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