Monday, October 1, 2007

The itinerary!

The itinerary is up on the site! This takes care of one of the four pages left to be completed. I'll soon be able to move away from my obsession with creating the site. Rather than spending the last two hours grading exams, I instead spent it finishing this page. But it was totally worth it because now that we can see all the cool things we'll do once we're up north for the wedding, we really can't wait to be there with everyone.

We've outlined the week of June 22 - June 28, which are the dates that Sarah and I will "officially" be in Eureka. Seeing as how it's nine months away, things are still a bit tentative for us, as I'm sure they are for you. I know the formal invitations haven't even come out yet, but since it's a destination wedding, I figured you all could use as much information you can get as early as possible. We'd still like everyone to wait for the formal invitations before making lodging reservations, but if you need to request vacation time way in advance, the list of events on this page should help you get a sense of things for the week of the wedding.

This list is not what you must do while there. It's just what we're doing, and what we'd like to do with you. And, we're open to suggestions if you find something you'd really like to do that we haven't thought of — nothing's written in stone. Post all suggestions below.



Unknown said...

The itinerary looks awesome guys! How fun!

Paul Reams said...

Wow...that looks like a great time. I think that I can be at everything except whatever is happening on Wednesday afternoon. Sierra Club has contracted with me to do a little "clean-up" of some of the forests up north...

Marfar said...

I am thrilled to damned pieces about this.

The troops are going to rally for an appropriate gift (or at least a novelty card).

Keep us posted!

(you guys are so cute, I want to shrink you down into a snowglobe and keep you on my dresser!)

<3 Marley

Unknown said...

Marley, even if you hadn't signed that note, I would have know it was you.

Brilliant, god damn great note. Loved it.

Tell the troops hello.


Unknown said...

I'm glad to see that Paul has decided to finally grace us with his presence on the blog site since I have been making jokes at his expense for weeks now with no retaliation! : )